
Teeth Cleanings at Morgan Family Dental in Metairie: Essential for Optimal Oral Health

Professional teeth cleanings are not just about maintaining a bright and shiny smile. Regular cleanings at the dentist are a critical aspect of preserving your oral health.

Teeth cleanings are part of routine preventive visits at our practice. During your cleaning appointment, we’ll also offer tips on your at-home oral care routine, discuss your diet, and address any concerns or questions you may have about your smile.

And let’s not forget the smooth, fresh feeling you’ll enjoy after your cleaning!

Regular dental checkups play a vital role in keeping your teeth and overall health in check. The frequency of your visits to Morgan Family Dental depends on your individual needs and oral health condition.

What Is a Teeth Cleaning?

A professional cleaning at our office is the only way to remove the stubborn plaque and tartar that accumulate even after brushing.

Besides flossing and brushing twice a day (for two full minutes), visiting us at least twice a year for your teeth cleaning enables us to detect and prevent common dental issues such as tooth decay (cavities) and gum disease. Early detection of oral health problems makes treatment easier, more affordable, and less likely to cause complications in the future.

Procedure Overview

The sequence and specifics of your teeth cleaning appointment may vary based on your individual circumstances but generally follows this order:

  1. The dentist or hygienist will gently scrape away tartar and plaque from your teeth using a scaler or “dental pick.” A scaler can remove hardened calculus called tartar, which your toothbrush cannot tackle. For particularly stubborn or larger amounts of tartar, we may use an ultrasonic scaler. This tool employs ultrasonic waves to break up calculus, facilitating quicker and easier removal with minimal scraping.
  2. Next, we’ll use a special polisher and paste to eliminate stains and smooth your teeth’s surfaces. The polisher features a small, spinning rubber cup that applies a mildly abrasive paste, similar to regular toothpaste but slightly thicker.
  3. Throughout the teeth cleaning process, we’ll intermittently rinse your teeth with a small jet of water and suction away excess water and saliva. This clears plaque, tartar, and polishing paste. If necessary, we may also dry out a specific tooth using a few quick puffs of air to better visualize buildup and surface irregularities.
  4. Finally, we’ll floss your teeth using standard dental floss to remove any remaining polishing paste. Once your teeth are clean and polished, we’ll typically proceed to an examination, assessing your teeth, gums, tongue, and the rest of your mouth.