
Choose Dr. Ken Morgan for Your Root Canal Therapy

Choose Dr. Ken Morgan for Your Root Canal Therapy

Root canal treatments are often shrouded in misconceptions, primarily linked to pain and discomfort. However, the reality is quite the opposite. Root canal therapy is a vital procedure aimed at relieving pain, not causing it. The true discomfort arises when a necessary root canal is ignored, allowing a tooth infection to escalate.

Why Choose Dr. Ken Morgan For Root Canal Therapy?

When it comes to root canal therapy, selecting the right dentist is crucial for a painless and successful treatment. Dr. Ken Morgan of Morgan Family Dental in Metairie stands out as a premier choice for several reasons:

  • Experience and Compassion: Dr. Morgan’s extensive experience combined with his compassionate approach towards patients makes him a trusted figure in dental care. He understands the anxieties and concerns that come with dental treatments and works diligently to address them.

  • State-of-the-Art Technology: Leveraging the latest in dental technology, Dr. Morgan ensures that your root canal treatment is as efficient, effective, and comfortable as possible. This commitment to using advanced techniques minimizes discomfort and speeds up the recovery process.

  • Focus on Patient Comfort: Above all, patient comfort is paramount at Morgan Family Dental. Dr. Morgan and his team go to great lengths to create a welcoming and stress-free environment, ensuring a positive and painless root canal experience.

Understanding Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy, or endodontics, is aimed at treating the inside of the tooth. This becomes necessary when tooth decay penetrates the tooth pulp — the innermost part of the tooth that helps it stay alive and sensitive to temperature. When this pulp becomes infected, a root canal is not just necessary; it’s crucial.

Symptoms indicating the need for a root canal can range from pain, abscesses, and swelling to no noticeable symptoms at all. This underscores the importance of regular dental check-ups where a dentist can spot early signs of trouble that you might overlook.

Procedure Overview

A root canal procedure involves:

  • Numbing the Area: Local anesthesia is administered to ensure a pain-free experience.
  • Isolating the Tooth: A rubber dam is used to keep the tooth clean and free of saliva.
  • Removing Infected Pulp: An access cavity is created to remove the pulp and clean the interior of the tooth.
  • Filling and Sealing the Tooth: The cavity is filled with a material called gutta-percha and sealed with a temporary filling until a permanent restoration is placed.


Post-treatment, it’s often necessary to reinforce the tooth with a dental crown, especially if a significant portion of the tooth was removed. This restoration is crucial for the tooth’s functionality and longevity. Proper oral hygiene post-procedure is vital for the success of the treatment, emphasizing the need for regular check-ups and diligent care at home.

Choosing Dr. Ken Morgan for your root canal therapy means putting your oral health in the hands of a professional dedicated to preserving your natural teeth and ensuring a beautiful, pain-free smile. With the right care and expertise, a root canal doesn’t have to be a daunting experience. At Morgan Family Dental, your comfort and health are our top priorities, ensuring a smooth and worry-free journey to oral wellness.